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Developing and Refining Film Appreciation Instruction for Feminist and Life Education Films
作者 楊馥如
Film is a medium to which contemporary university students have the most exposure. However, little research has been conducted on teaching film appreciation. In this study, art appreciation methods are adapted for film appreciation in the attempt to establish a new teaching model for film appreciation in Taiwanese universities that enables students to express personal responses. This approach opens up new possibilities for future teaching practice and research while serving as a reference for improving film appreciation education. This study employs an action research method for data collection and analysis. A model for teaching film appreciation was established based on literature review and implemented in a freshman course titled “Introduction to Visual Communication” for two consecutive years. Four films were used over 14 weeks in both years the course was offered, and data was collected through observation, interviews, document analysis (worksheets, feedback forms, reflection notes), and questionnaires. Results show that the implementation of teaching film appreciation must be adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of films studied by addressing student (viewer) reaction, personal views and experience. Students were able to understand and analyze film formats, techniques and meaning. Their self-reflection encouraged changes in their thinking and sometimes even behavior. Guided discussions were found to be more effective than free discussion. Well-designed worksheets and both oral and written reports were useful for evaluating learning outcomes.
起訖頁 173-207
關鍵詞 行動研究影片鑑賞藝術鑑賞鑑賞教學action researchappreciation teachingart appreciationfilm appreciation
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201612 (29:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 後現代的幸福生涯觀:變與不變的生涯理論與生涯諮商之整合模型




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