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Drawing as Narrative : A case study on -the collaboration of children’s family and kindergarten by the mediation of children’s drawing .
作者 吳秀笑 (Hsiu-Hsiao Wu)
This study aimed at designing and enacting a family-kindergarten collaborative project to enhance interactions among children, their parents, and teachers in the kindergarten for keeping children’s good behaviors. Aiming at enhancing the children’s connection of family and kindergarten, improving children’s narrative and autonomy abilities , this study employed children’s drawing diary as mediation. It improved the children’s narrative skills to promote teachers and the parents to communicate well,to keep consistency of their good behaviors in the family and kindergarten . The research data were collected in three years including children’s drawing diaries, the interaction journals of teachers and children, the logs of participant observations, the reflections of the teachers, parents; the transcripts of teachers, parents and children interviews. The main findings of this study are as follow: 1. By the mediation of children’s drawings, children’s motivation and self-consciousness to keep consistency of their good behaviors in the family and kindergarten were changed. 2. Children’s skills of communication between teachers and parents became better. 3.The strategy of communication between of sharing experiences by drawings not only improve the quality of communication between children’s family and kindergarten bot also promote children’s transfer of learning experiences in the kindergarten and their family.
起訖頁 233-257
關鍵詞 園家經驗連續圖畫日記品格教育學習遷移自主管理the collaboration of children’s family and kindergartenmoral educationdrawing diarytransfer of learningautonomy
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201601 (5:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 理想教師的藍圖-人文主義教育
該期刊-下一篇 私校公益董事會面面觀




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