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The Maximum Acceptable Weights of Chinese Workers in Repetitive Lifting Tasks
作者 李永輝陳志勇
本研究蒐集受試者依心物法,決定三十名有抬舉作業工作經驗的勞工之抬舉能力(Maximum Acceptable Weight of Lifting, MAWL值),探討在重複性抬舉時,基於西方受試者所建立的NIOSH規範之作業變項效應,對於評估國人抬舉能力的適用性,並提出建議。研究發現抬舉能力隨作業變項的不同而有差異。平均抬舉能力從最佳之32.1(5.7)公斤(地面至桌高,每分鐘一次,窄箱)下降至19.9(2.0)公斤(桌高至肩高,每分鐘六次,寬箱)。以心物法決定之國人頻率性抬舉能力平均值與Snook 50%ile的數值相當接近;此一現象意味著在這些作業變項下,東西方受試者的抬舉能力相近。研究中發現Snook 10%ile的值均落於NIOSH(1981)之Maximum Permissible Limits(MPL)內,意味著設立本土規範時,應考慮將國人心物法抬舉能力的十分位數列為參考值。就抬舉變項分析,無論箱子寬窄,當由地面抬舉至桌面高度時,本研究數據及Snook50%ile的數值均較NI0SH之MPL大許多;然當由桌面抬舉至肩高度時,本研究及Snook 50%ile的數值均較NIOSH之MPL小。此一結果顯示,NIOSH規範未將抬舉終止點高度納入計算公式,因此無法反應終止點高度所造成抬舉能力發揮之限制。
The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of various tasks on lifting capabilities of Chinese workers. The maximum acceptable lifting weight (MAWL) was 32.1(5.7) kg for lifting from floor to knuckle height, 1 lift/min, using small box, and the MAWL was reduced to 19.9(2.0)kg for lifting from knuckle height to shoulder, 6 lifts/min, using a large box. The MAWL data were higher than previous studies. However, the combined data set was very close to that of Snook (1992). The application of NIOSH lifting equation reveals that 10%ile MAWL might be a good reference value for setting a limits since they fall within the recommended range of the action limit (AL) and the maximum permissible limit (MPL) in all test conditions. Secondly, NIOSH equation fails to consider the effect of lifting destination which may underestimate the effect of lifting weight.
起訖頁 15-25
關鍵詞 抬舉能力心理物理法抬舉作業規範maximum acceptable weight of liftingpsychophysical approachlifting guideline
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199703 (5:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 半導體製造業累積性工作傷害現況調查
該期刊-下一篇 1,3-丁二烯、丙烯腈及苯乙烯熱脫附採樣分析技術研發




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