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Plus or Minus? An Analysis on Causal Links between Private Entrepreneur Owners' Government-Business Relations and the Impluse of Political Reform in China
作者 柳金財
As Chinese economic and political reforms deepening, private enterprises arise gradually as one of the main forces for economic development. The 'government-business relations' between local governments and private entrepreneur owners form a interest-sharing network, which is closely related to business interests and local officials' performance-based promotion. Private entrepreneur owners, for the purposes of elevating their economic, social and political status, try to apply influence through institutional and non-institutional political participation. Particularly through the strategies of corporate political activities to achieve the goals, namely the so-called government-business relations or political connections. This paper finds three preliminary conclusions. First, the political power tends to yield in terms of business interests and even political compromise to private entrepreneur owners in exchange that business owners give up more progressive political appeals. In the meantime, business owners and local officials, through non-institutional and non-formal contacts, form a interest-based network and inject influence on the output of local policy. Secondly, private business owners have become the largest beneficiaries due to party-state system stability and economic reform policy. This business group will not challenge existing system but protect the shared interests than any other groups. Thirdly, new business elites will not exercise direct means to challenge or confront for the purpose of changing direction of government policy. They would rather adopt a soft or corrupt means instead. In the short run, Chinese communist political structure will not be subverted by entrepreneurs. Reformers can not vest their hope on entrepreneurs to play the role of advancing political democratization.
起訖頁 27-60
關鍵詞 私營企業主政商關係政治關聯黨國體系政治參與Private Entrepreneur OwnerGovernment-Business RelationsPolitical ConnectionsParty-State SystemPolitical Participation
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201312 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 風俗儀式下社會行銷觀念的探討--以高雄市「減少燒紙錢」政策宣導為例
該期刊-下一篇 影響兩岸簽署「ECFA」協議之研究--以PAM為架構




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