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Social Marketing in Ritual Custom Context: A Case Study of the Ghost Money Burning Reduction Policy in Kaohsiung
作者 關復勇陳怜之
Ghost-money burning is an important ritual custom in Taiwanese folk religion. But with the growth in population and residential density, such burning becomes more and more threatening to air quality and public health. To make compromise between folk customs and air quality, the government urged the public to change the custom. To understand how successful the government's strategies are, this study used 4 social marketing variables and people's concern for ritual custom to predict people's attitude toward ghost-money burning. A convenience sample of college students, workers in local court, and people from the general public were invited to answer the questionnaire in this study. A total of 255 participated and gave valid answers. Results found that: 1. The more people believed that ghost-money burning was required by ritual customs, the more positive their attitude would be. That is, they would regard the burning as less harmful, and would be less willing to reduce it. 2. Social marketing strategies that changed cost and convenience had negative effect on attitude. That is, when people believed burning less ghost money was good for them, they would regard the burning as harmful and be more willing to reduce it. The same happened when people believed it was convenient to take alternatives for burning ghost money. 3. The effect of ritual customs on attitude toward ghost-money burning was greater than the effect of social marketing variables. In light of these findings, when urging the policy of Ghost-Money Burning reduction by means of social marketing, the government should both focus on changed cost reduction and convenience enhancement, which will be more effective on changing people's attitude toward Ghost-Money Burning.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 社會行銷風俗儀式環保焚燒紙錢Social MarketingGhost-money BurningRitual CustomEnvironmental Protection
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201312 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 是阻力?還是助力?中國私營企業主政商關係與政治改革動能關聯之探討




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