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The Study on the Influential Factors of Singing ECFA with the PAM
作者 王哲祥陳碧珍黃建龍
This study was based on the framework of PAM (Public Affairs Management) and Social Judgment Theory (SJT) to analyze different groups' cognitions and sources of conflict upon Taiwan and China's signing the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement), and thereby suggest the conflict-resolving polices. The results found that the principles of judgment varied among different groups. In general, groups thought that 'social factors' (26.69) most greatly affected the singing of ECFA most, followed by 'governmental factors' (25.16), 'economic factors' (25.14) and 'political factors' (19.32). Prior to 'economic factors' (58.93), 'social factors' (51.62) and 'political factors' (50.76), 'governmental factors (60.85) however showed the greatest within-group difference regarding the impact of singing ECFA. Furthermore, the findings of between- group cognitions upon Taiwan and China's signing the ECFA were different. The different groups' rankings of influential factors were listed in the order of increased impact as follows. 1. Government officials: political, governmental, social and economic factors; 2. Corporations: social, economic, governmental, and political factors; 3. Citizens: economic, governmental, social and political factors.
起訖頁 61-91
關鍵詞 公共事務管理架構(PAM)海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)社會判斷(SJT)人際判斷認知衝突Public Affairs Management (PAM)Economic Cooperation FrameworkAgreement(ECFA)Social Judgment Theory (SJT)interpersonal judgmentcognition conflict
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201312 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 是阻力?還是助力?中國私營企業主政商關係與政治改革動能關聯之探討




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