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Research on 'Yejing'
作者 姜守誠
”Yejing” (業鏡) is a kind of trial instruments of torture of the dead in the hell. ”Yejing” is usually be charged by certain governors in the hell such as Yanluo wang (閻羅王) Qinguangwang (秦廣王), Tanshanwang (泰山王) and so on and with it can weigh good and evil plot of the merits and demerits in the life before death. The theory of ”Yejing” (業鏡) was firstly found in the books of Buddhism during the period of Liuchao (六朝) and adopted by the books of Taoism of Song and Yuan Dynasties (宋元時期). The theory was also found in the Baojuan (寶卷) of civil religions during Ming and Qing Dynasties (明清時期). Some scholars of that period quoted ”Yejing” as the material of literary creation. This thesis focused on ”Yejing” (業鏡) in the books of Buddhism, Taoism and in Baojuan (寶卷) of civil religions in order to discuss its religious meaning and analyze the models, kinds, Similarities and differences of ”Yejing” (業鏡) from the perspective of the science of image.
起訖頁 21-59
關鍵詞 業鏡地獄十王敦煌抄本佛說十王經寶卷YejingTen governors of the hellCopies of Dunhuang Buddha says ShiwangjingBaojuan
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 200912 (37期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣總督府檔案與臺灣史研究
該期刊-下一篇 元末楊維楨〈清苦先生傳〉的茶文化意蘊




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