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Could Para. 1 of Art. 78 of Maritime Act be Enforced Under Sea Waybill
作者 羅俊瑋
In the current practice of international trade, the Bills of Lading which is issued by carrier to prove the receipt of goods, evidence of the contract of affreightment and document of title to the goods. Due to the improvement of marine technology, the vessel might arrive at the discharging port before the consignee could receive the Bills of Lading and be unable to entitled to delivery. Alternatively, sea waybill is a non-negotiable document where delivery is to be made to the named consignee without the necessity of production of the original sea waybill. The sea waybill is treated as the receipt of goods as well as evidence of the contract of affreightment, but is not capable of transferring either title or constructive possession to the goods. According to para. 1 of Art. 78 of the Maritime Act: “Where either the port of loading or the port of discharge is in R.O.C., any dispute arising under a Bills of Lading may be instituted an action in the court of the said R.O.C. port of loading or port of discharge or any other competent court according to the law or regulations.” Except for the Bills of Lading, will this clause also apply to the disputes arising from Sea Waybill? Furthermore, even if there is no document of the contract of affreightment issued, could the relationship of contract of affreightment of goods by sea be based on this article as connecting factor to determine the competent court? Recently, Taiwan Kaohsiung District Court Civil Judgement Hai Shang Zi No.10 (2013) says that the dispute arising out of Sea Waybill could apply to the para.1 of Article 78 of Maritime Act as connecting factor to determine the competent court. Is it satisfied or not? It has further discussion on this issue in this article.
起訖頁 77-140
關鍵詞 載貨證券海上貨運單運送單證海商法第78條第1項連繫因素管轄法院海牙規則威士比規則漢堡規則鹿特丹規則Bills of LadingSea Waybilltransport documentpara. 1 of Article 78 of the Maritime Actconnecting factorCompetent CourtHague RulesVisby RulesHamburg RulesRotterdam Rules
刊名 高大法學論叢  
期數 201603 (11:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 醫療糾紛處理的過程與發展──以德國民法為中心
該期刊-下一篇 刑法共同正犯概念之理解新義──第28條的現在與未來




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