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Development of Medical Disputes Regulation in the German Civil Law
作者 黃立
' In the case of injury to body or health, compensation shall be made by replacing the cost of healing as well as the financial loss, the injured party may suffer a, that is a result of the breach temporarily or permanently canceled its earning capacity or diminished or occurred to increased needs , Because of the damage, which is not financial damage, a reasonable compensation in money can be demanded. ' Abstract:The main idea of medical dispute in Germany has shifted from torts to the breach of contract. Before 2001 the German new Obligation Law was amended, 'In case of injury to body or health, compensation shall be made by replacing the cost of healing as well as the financial loss, the injured party may suffer a, that is a result of the breach temporarily or permanently canceled its earning capacity or diminished or occurred to increased needs, Because of the damage, which is not financial damage, a reasonable compensation in money can be demanded.' However, in case of breach of contract, intangible damage can not be replaced. According to Art.253: ' (1) Money may be demanded in compensation for any damage that is not pecuniary loss only in the cases stipulated by law. (2) If damages are to be paid for an injury to body, health, freedom or sexual self-determination, reasonable compensation in money may also be demanded for any damage that is not pecuniary loss.' The way for another solution in treating medical disputes is open. German Scholars agreed that the change is a good one, because the responsibility of medical care is coming from the contract. Doctors and their patients are equal partners. When a medical doctor undertakes a defect surgical operation, it does not constitute a torts, but a breach of contract. However, the verdicts of German courts still remains to acknowledge both torts and breach of contract as basis of claim, before the new Subtitle 2 Treatment Contract enter into force in 2011. This Article analysis the new Treatment Contract, and this could be useful for Taiwan's legislation.
起訖頁 1-75
關鍵詞 侵權行為契約責任舉證責任表面證據因果關係德國聯邦法院醫療瑕疵行為說明後同意(說明義務),醫療契約,消費者保護法tortsbreach of contractburden of proofprima facie evidencecausationfederal court of germanymalpracticeinformed consenttreatment contractconsumer protection act
刊名 高大法學論叢  
期數 201603 (11:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄大學法學院
該期刊-下一篇 論海商法第78條第1項規定得否於海上貨運單適用




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