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The New Understanding of Joint Principal Offenders in the Criminal Law- The Present and Future of the Article 28
作者 游明得
The New perception of Joint Principal Offenders in Criminal Law- Initiate Article 28 In Current Criminal law Article 28, the precise moment to initiate shall be based upon whether the Joint Principal behaviors itself satisfied the requirement as an self-independent conductor, so as to rule out as an Joint Principal Offenders. Generally speaking, Joint Principal Offenders should be grounded and reestablished by the essence of “principal offender.” This article will address that the joint Principal Offenders in Article 28 ought to be redefined through the basic quantity of “principal offender” and that is the only existence reason for the Article 28. Moreover, this article will divide “principal offender’s quantity” into finite and infinite requirements;infinite refers to as for those who can mandate and practice the requirements, in other words for those individual behaviors to commit the offense collectively. As to infinite, even other collective behaviors collectively taking responsible according to a mutual consensus, it cannot comprise the overall requirements, thus it can’t be considered as to implement the complete inquiry.
起訖頁 141-191
關鍵詞 共同正犯共同行為決意共同行為實施單一正犯犯罪的支配joint principal offendersdecision in joint actioncommitting joint actionsingle principal offenderdomination of crime
刊名 高大法學論叢  
期數 201603 (11:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 論海商法第78條第1項規定得否於海上貨運單適用
該期刊-下一篇 公民投票及其隱含之人民概念




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