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A Preliminary Look into Content of Student Behavioral Evaluation in Taiwan’s Police Cadre Training Program: An Analysis Based on Tertiary Crime Prevention
作者 霍春亨
This research tries to take a preliminary look into the success and contents of the evaluation on student behavior incorporating the tertiary prevention approach. Tertiary prevention has , so far , been implemented in widely different areas including epidemic prevention in public health, crime prevention, psychological consultation, school security, student disciplines in schools, etc.where tertiary prevention is a highly valued concept.For the momen, educational institutes and schools have been eagerly deveting themselves in implementing tertiary prevention in their prevention activities against student depression, student self-inflicting injuries<student sucides, bullying, substance abuse, sexual assaults and harassment, identifying highly dangerous students, behavior correction, junior protection, mental hygiene, family violence, ethics in school consultation, campus security as executed by municipal governments, teenagers and female safety, etc., which shows how the concept of tertiary prevention has been fully and widely appreciated and accepted and completely incorporated by Taiwan’s educational institutes and schools. Being the sole police academy in charge of the cultivation of Taiwan’s police cadres, the Central police university has produced graduates who, after passing national examinations, occupy important postst in government agencies including Ministry of the Interios’s national Police Agency, National Fire Agency, National Immigration Agency, Security Bureau, as cadres of the basic levels. Such posts exert such far-reaching influences that cannot be ignored. With the help of tertiary prevention, the training programs in the Academy wish to identity, as early as possible, students with deviant ideas, and behaviors, so as to enroll them in consultation programs, and to help students who are found unfit for such future posts be filtered out with withdrawal, transferring, or suspension, to avoid the possibilities of their unpredictability in conducting illegal or deviant behaviors and turn themselves into liabilities of their workplaces. For the above-mentioned purposes, the study has probed the contents of the current student behavioral evaluation as performed by Central Police University, and has come up with the analysis according to the evaluation’s incorporation of tertiary prevention, purpose of behavioral evaluation, principles of behavioral evaluation implementation, implementation process of behavioral evaluatio, so that to provide a valid evaluation for schools in their student conduct grading.
起訖頁 33-59
關鍵詞 警察幹部養成教育行為觀測評量三級預防training programs of police cadrebehavioral evaluationtertiary prevetion
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201506 (18:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 監禁處遇對高齡受刑人之生命價值觀及死亡態度之影響--從生涯阻隔角度論
該期刊-下一篇 「情資整合平臺」在犯罪預防之運用--以臺中市「電子城牆」為例




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