中文摘要 |
近年來,隨著人口高齡化趨勢帶來高齡受刑人數增加,本研究之主要研究背景即為透過全人生發展(life-span development)的觀念,針對高齡受型人之監所生活評價、生命價值統整評價及死亡態度進行實證研究。依據研究目的,本研究選取樣本為:「調查進行時點,收容於抽樣監所(台北、台中、台南及宜蘭)中五十歲以上之受刑人」。於民國103年七月,採研究者及研究助理親赴抽樣監獄施測以及委託抽樣監獄代為選取符合抽樣準則之樣本進行施測,共發出500份問卷,回收有效問卷354份,回收率70.80%。研究工具採用改編問卷,針對高齡受刑人監所生活評價、生命價值統整評價及死亡態度進行量化資料蒐集,研究且具共分為,受刑人基本資料、生涯阻隔分量表、生命價值觀分量表、死亡態度分量表等四部分。研究結果發現高齡受型人越認為入監服刑債對自己的生命產生負面、消極的影響時,高齡受刑人也會對自己的生命價值觀產生負面的評價,並且對死亡的逃避意念出現較高的趨向。能夠擁有相對健康、相對人際溫暖接以及一定社會地位的高齡生活是所有高齡者對生命末期的唯一計畫(Kopera-Frye, et al., 2013)。然而入堅服刑卻阻礙了高齡受刑人成功老化的進程。因此,如何在實務層面建立有效且能夠協助高齡受型人做出「生涯銜接」感受的監所生活計畫便成為面對高齡受刑人的監所適應問題時的重要改革思維。 |
英文摘要 |
As the rapid growing of the elder population, the elder inmates also increased in recnt years in Taiwan. Tha main purpose of this study was based on the concept of ”Life-Span Development”, and we tried to analyze the aging process of the elder inmates and figure out characteristics and problems of their aging model. According to the purpose of this study, we chose elder inmates samples who were older than 50 years old from the taipei, Tai-chung, Tai-nan, and I-lan Prison. We gathered data by questionaires in a month from July, 1, 2014. There were four parts of our questionaires:The demographic questions, the”Life Value” Scale, the”Attitudes toward Death”Scale, and the ”Life Barrier”Scale, which were revised from the previous study. As the results of regression analysis, we have found that the recidivism played an important role to explain the life valuation of elder inmates. The recidivists showed more negative and desperative attitudes toward their life and they had more disgusted attitudes toward the prison life then the first offenses. According to these results, we suggested that the prison officers should develop rehabilitation peograms which were based on the connection of human reationships not only in the prison, but also outside the jail, in order to help the elder inmates had more positive attitudes toward their life in the prison. |