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Application of Fusion Centers in Crime Prevention: An Overview of the Electronic Wall in Taichung City
作者 江守寰
臺中市監視錄影系統(以下,簡稱「電子城牆」)自2005年建置迄今已屆滿10年,其目的係藉由設置於原臺中市聯外道路的監錄系統,形成「圍牆」監控原臺中縣市交界地區可疑出入車輛,以有效嚇阻潛在犯罪者進入市區犯案。於2011年臺中縣市合併升格直轄市,臺中市警局鑑於彼此資訊儲存方式與傳輸架構差異甚大,故創新研發整合介接平臺,順利納管大臺中地區1萬1,294支路口監視器。整合完成後,並逐步提升其調閱率與妥善率,但在犯罪預防效上,是否能因應類似美國911恐悕攻擊事件(2001)、國內319槍擊案(2004)、連勝文被槍擊案(2010)、太陽學運(2014)、北捷殺人事件(2014)等重大無預警事故或網路新興犯罪手法;作者認為仍需整合相關犯罪情資分析系統,升級轉型成為情資整合平臺,方能統籌運用科技力量打擊犯罪。因此,本文係以臺中警局「電子城牆」為例,說明該局為因應數位匯流時代來臨,升級導入「情資導向警政」(intelligence-led policing )決策分析模式,並結合情境犯罪預防理論,建置完成「情資整合平臺」(fusion center ),期能將新舊世代的控系統,融合在同一指揮架構下,破除各單位的本位主義,成為一個全方位、區域型的犯罪預防網路,以因應未來詭譎多變的治安情勢。
The Taichung City closed circuit television system (electronic wall)has been in place for ten years. It was created as a monitoring system to follow suspicious cars entering and exiting Taichung City in order to prevent potential criminals from committing crimes within the city. In 2011, Taichung County and Taichung City Were combined into a special municipality;as the information storage t4echnologies and infrastructures of the city and county police departments differed greatly, an integration and interfacing platform was created to organize the monitoring systems at each of the 11, 294 intersections in the Taichung area. After the intetration, the rate at which the surveillance footage was watched and the proportion of working cameras were improved . However, whether or not it prevents unforeseen major criminal activities, such as the September 11 trrorist attacks in the US(2001), the March 19 shooting incident in Taiwan(2004), the Novermber 26 shooting incident in Taiwan(2010), the Sunflower Student Movement(2014), and the Taipei Metro attack(2014), or online criminal acts remains unclear. It is recommended that relevant crime analysis systems be integrated and fusion centers be created in order to fully utilize the power of technology in crime prevention. Therefore, this study examined the Taichung City Police Department’s electronic wall in order illustrate how they coped with the approaching digital convergence and introduced intelligence-led policing measures and situational crime prevention to create a fusion center. The old and new monitoring systems were combined into a single structure to eliminate sectionalism and create a comprehensive , regional crime prevention network in the hopes of addressing future threats to public safety.
起訖頁 61-87
關鍵詞 監視錄影系統情資整合中心情資導向警政情境犯罪預防理論Colsed Circuit Television SystemFusion CenterIntelligence-Led PolicingSituational Crime Prevention
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201506 (18:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國警察幹部養成教育學生行為觀測評量內涵之初探--以三級預防觀點分析
該期刊-下一篇 軍監性侵害加害者對處遇課程各項目之重要性評比研究




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