英文摘要 |
Dependent clauses and modifiers have frequently been found to be embedded in sentences in various genres of formal English writing. This study finds that the English news reports under investigation contain very high percentages of relative clauses and their derived phrases, namely participial and adjective phrases. Amona the sentence patterns in the 30 News reports, the analysis finds the relative clause-sentence ratio to be 29%, immediately followed by the participial phrase-sentence ratio, 26%, with the adjective phrase-sentence ratio being only 1.6%. The combined ratio of the three structures to the total sentence amounts is a surprisingly high 57%. Concerning the grammatical functions of all the relative pronouns, it is found that 80 % of them assumed the subjective case, with other cases being seldom applied. As regards to the voice of all the participial phrases, active and passive phrases are found to have similar application frequencies (81:79). Such figure-based findings, which reflect what edited journalistic writing consists in, may serve as a guide to writers, readers and teachers of English in their writing, reading and teaching of English. |