中文摘要 |
噁心、嘔吐是接受全身麻醉病人常見的併發症,也是增加病患手術焦慮的重要原因之一。護理人員在照顧手術後嘔吐病患的傳統模式,皆僅限於鼓勵深呼吸緩和其情緒,教導其噁心想吐時,將頭側向一側,以免吸入嘔吐物釀成更嚴重之術後合併症。如果發生嘔吐,護理人員最多也只能給予清潔,更換床單及嘔吐物的處理等,以增進其舒適,嚴重或持續嘔吐的病人則依醫囑給予止吐藥,對此合併症之預防或減輕其嚴重度可說是無計可施。針對「穴位指壓」手術後止吐,歐美國家在近幾年來也有多方面的實驗性研究,本文針對經絡或其穴位上施以針灸、指壓按摩等治療,可達到補虛瀉實、調和陰陽、增加免疫功能之目的,使人體感覺舒適,得以恢復或促進健康。所以希望能藉由穴位壓迫法,一種省時、省錢、容易操作的方法,發展為可預防及減輕手術後病人噁心嘔吐的有效護理措施。Postoperative nausea and vomiting is a common complication following general anesthesia. Since traditional Chinese medicine indicates that acupressure therapy may reduce nausea and vomiting in certain ailments. According to clinical experience, when a patient nursed in the traditional manner, is seized with nausea or has a desire to vomit, he is usually encouraged to breathe deeply to ease or abolish this unwanted action and instructed to move the head aside to avoid aspiration of vomitus. Once the patient vomits, the nurse can clear the mouth by removing the vomitus, clean the patient, and change the bed sheet. As far as prevention and relief of the vomiting are concerned, the nurse can do nothing. There were several studies about acupressure for post operative nausea and vomiting in the western and eastern countries. In order to achieve a preventive and effective nursing intervention for post operative nausea and vomiting patients. Acupressure is one of the time-saving, cost-cutting, and easy practice methods. |