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區域與社會發展研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Research On Community Organizations' Conflict Management and the Influence of Community Development - A Case Study of Siaobantian Village in Nantou County
作者 李玉蘭 (Yu-Lan Lee)
社區衝突是社區發展過程中的普遍現象,本研究旨在以小半天社區組織為對象,探討社區組織衝突的成因與型態、因應方式,以及對社區的影響層面,運用協調方式,透過社區組織與居民全體之私人與公共利益,互利互信的結合,經由公民參與的互動溝通的機制,來達成利益等衝突的化解。本研究首先透過文獻分析後,再運用訪談法,訪談九位小半天社區組織幹部及南投縣、政府社會局,目的在探究社區組織衝突的因應方式,並提供社區及政府單位參考。Community's conflict is a general phenomenon in community's development,the purpose of this study is regarding the Siaobantian Village Community Organizations' conflict management and the influence of community development. This research is aimed to probe into the cause of conflict, different kinds of types and the attitude of organizing conflict. To resolve the conflict is through community organizations and residents' private and public interests, and combines the mutual benefits and mutual trust. The research approach utilized literature review and interview for 9 community organizations cadre members of Siaobantian Village and officers in Social Bureau of Nantou County Government .The purpose is to probe into resolving the conflict of the community organizations, and offer the consultation to the communitys and government authority.
起訖頁 225-248
關鍵詞 社區組織組織衝突社區發展Community organizationOrganization conflictCommunity development
刊名 區域與社會發展研究  
期數 201012 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學區域與社會發展學系
該期刊-上一篇 兩岸城市生產力變動之研究
該期刊-下一篇 文化創意產業與文化觀光的關連性探討




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