中文摘要 |
產後調理──坐月子乃是中國傳統觀念上幫助產後婦女子宮功能復舊的一個重要步驟。而生化湯在婦科臨床應用上,因具有增加子宮收縮、促進惡露排出的作用,故自古以來即有“產後第一方”之譽。產後服用生化湯在台灣地區是如此普遍,且臨床上婦產科的門診中,許多產後惡露滴滴答答不淨婦女前來求診,大都有服用生化湯史,因此服用生化湯常被認為是導致惡露量異常的主因,然而至今仍無相關研究指出惡露結束的時間是否與生化湯有關聯性。故本研究是藉由問卷調查法,以醫院為基礎的準隨機(quasi-random)的研究,觀察44 位產後婦女服用生化湯的行為是否與惡露量有關連性。結果發現產後服用生化湯與未服用生化湯兩組惡露的結束時間並無顯著差異。推論服用生化湯的行為可以是安全的且不會造成惡露時間延長,唯未來仍需要隨機對照的研究來證實。It was an ancient tradition in Taiwan and some Asia area that women should received the “postpartum recuperation (zuo-yuezi)” for one month from the birth of their child. They usually take some Chinese herbal formula for helping body resume healthy, and the “Sheng-Hua Tang” is the most famous and common Chinese herbal formula used as an herbal cleansing and purifying remedy during the “postpartum recuperation”. Among the patients presented to gynecology and obstetrics outpatient clinic for their postpartum followed up, some were bothered with prolonged lochia. Although “Sheng-Hua Tang” is such popular in Taiwan, however, there was no related publication about the behavior of taking “Sheng-Hua Tang” and lochia. Herein, we present a hospital-based, quasi-random study by questionnaire methods to evaluate the correlation between the behavior of “Sheng-Hua Tan” consumption and the duration of lochia. Our results showed that there was no significant difference of the duration of lochia whether the women taking “Sheng-Hua Tang” or not, and we recommended that oral intake of “Sheng-Hua Tang” might be safe and have no influence of lochia duration. Future randomized control trial is warranted. |