中文摘要 |
目的:探討分析急性期缺血性腦中風中醫證候要素所擔任的角色。方法:依據收案與排除標準,共收集253 例中風病急性期住院病患,在發病48 至72 小時內,依《中風病辨證診斷標準》的六大基本證候風證、火熱證、痰證、血瘀證、氣虛證、陰虛陽亢證加以辨證,並進行證候要素分析。結果:(1)證候要素出現頻率以瘀證最高,佔249 例(98.4%);其次是風證,佔234 例(92.5%);第三是痰證,佔199 例(78.7%)。(2)火證出現頻率,佔131 例(51.8%);氣虛證佔134 例(53.0%);而陰虛陽亢證佔85 例(33.6%)。(3)兩證證候要素組合出現頻率以風瘀證最高,佔230 例(90.9%);其次是痰瘀證,佔195 例(77.1%);第三是風痰證,佔183 例(72.3%)。結論:風、痰、瘀三種證候要素可能是缺血性腦中風急性發作時必要存在的病理機制。Objective: To investigate the role of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) syndromes in acute ischemic stroke. Methods: According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 253 acute ischemic stroke inpatients were enrolled in this study. The TCM syndrome diagnosis was made within 48 to72 hours after stroke onset by the six principle syndromes in the TCM Apoplexy Diagnostic Criteria, namely wind syndrome, fire-heat syndrome, phlegm syndrome, blood stagnation syndrome, qi-deficiency syndrome, and yin-deficiency and yang-excess syndrome. The essential elements of TCM syndromes were further analyzed. Results: (1) The most common elemental syndrome was blood stagnation syndrome, making up 98.4% of all enrolled patients; wind syndrome was the second common elemental syndrome, making up 92.5%; then was phlegm syndrome, making up 78.7%. (2) The fireheat syndrome was found in 51.8% patients; qi-deficiency syndrome in 53.0% patients; yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity syndrome, which was the least common elemental syndrome, in 33.6% patients. (3) The most frequently coexisted two-syndrome-combination was the wind-blood stagnation syndrome, making up 90.9% of enrolled patients; phlegm-blood stagnation syndrome were the second one, making up 77.1%; the third one were wind-phlegm syndrome, making up 72.3%. Conclusion: The wind syndrome, phlegm syndrome and blood stagnation syndrome might be the essential elements of the pathological mechanism of acute ischemic stroke in TCM syndrome diagnosis. |