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中醫藥雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 張賢哲蔡貴花蕭晴穎
"台灣,大部份的居民是河洛人,中醫藥業者「父子相傳,師徒相授」的傳承制度,延續了這支遷徙、渡海民族保留了悠遠古老的河洛中藥文化,它包括五大特色,(1) 保留中藥名西漢中原古音、(2) 溫良恭儉讓誠樸勤苦、(3) 中醫藥諺語、(4) 道地藥材鑑別知識、(5) 本土草藥。勤讀古醫籍,肉粽捾方群觀,對證精選良方,用好藥,造就台灣中醫師傑出捷效的治療成果,是我們台灣引以為傲的文化瑰寶,值得世界學習中醫藥者,以台灣專業養成教育為楷模,建立具有根基深厚紮實的中醫藥領域。Taiwan is located across the strait that borders the central plains of the greater Yellow River valley where 72% of the residents are Heluo peoples. The Heluo are the creators of China’s most ancient characters dating back to approximately 2000~3000 years ago during the Imperial dynasties. Ensuing upheaval and disorder that followed prompted the Jin governmental prefecture to move south and relocate in an area called Min Nan. Four hundred years ago the government once again took a southerly migration, this time to Taiwan under the leadership of Zheng Cheng-gong. These peoples that sailed across the sea preserved the rich 2000 year old Heluo culture. Taiwan’s Chinese medicine industry and physicians scrupulously remain a tight-knit community that strictly abides to those traditions. The system of inheritance which is—“passed down through generations from father to son and from the teachings of the master to the apprentice”—provides the impetus to carry on this peoples’ cultural traditions. The unique nature of this profession has culminated in the distinguishing character of the ancient Heluo Chinese medicine culture. Its five distinctive characteristics are 1) preserving the ancient pronunciations of Chinese medicinals used during the Western Han dynasty, 2) diligent and exhaustive efforts at preserving tradition, 3) the concepts of Chinese medicine treatment, business, health and fitness, proverbs care for the elderly and children and building a regular customer base, 4) the basis of knowledge for the identification of authentic medicinals, and 5) developing the local herbal pharmacopeia. Diligent study of the ancient medical records, prescription group with the near same effect and the same basic organized drug component, verifying the effectiveness and selecting the best formulas, and using quality medicinals has enabled Taiwan’s physicians to achieve outstanding success in the treatment of patients. It is a cultural treasure that Taiwan is proud to behold and offers a valuable source of knowledge for international Chinese medicine scholars throughout the world. By utilizing this unique area of specialization in Taiwan and developing it into an educational model we can further promote the growth and success of the Chinese medicine field. This is an ancient field that professional scholars have never before researched and is worthy of exploration. We have searched for information in Chinese medicine manuscripts and records, conducted field investigations, interviewed people, photographed, recorded, and compiled data in efforts to record this ancient traditional culture of Taiwan. "
起訖頁 77-93
關鍵詞 吳茱萸吳茱萸次鹼羥基吳茱萸次鹼抗發炎活性Evodia rutaecarpaRutaecarpineHydroxyrutaecarpineAnti-inflammatory activity
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201107 (22:1-2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 中藥龜鹿二仙膠在健康族群的臨床不良反應評估
該期刊-下一篇 急性期缺血性腦中風病患之中醫證候要素分析




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