中文摘要 |
雄性禿是一種男人常見的掉髮類型。雄性禿有其特有的掉髮型態,初期發生於兩側的鬢角上方。經歷一段時間後,髮線會後退形成特有的「M」形。頭頂的毛髮也會變細。最後結果可能為部分禿或全禿。其表現的症狀多為虛實夾雜或本虛標實,本文即是報告一位36 歲男性罹患雄性禿的一個本虛標實之案例。患者擔心服用西藥有導致性功能障礙的副作用,而至本院中醫門診就醫。經診斷為中醫外科之蛀髮癬,病因病機為肝鬱氣滯、氣血兩虛,濕熱之毒薰蒸於頭部。整個治療的主軸以主方加味逍遙散、四君子湯、四物湯,來疏肝清熱、氣血雙補,並以羌活來袪風除濕,經過二個月的治療,病情獲得穩定的控制,本文對此治療過程作一介紹及討論。Androgenetic alopecia is a very common type of hair loss for men. This type of hair loss has its specific pattern. In the beginning, hair loss will start above both temples. Gradually, the forehead hairline will recede to form an “M” shape. The diameter of hair would become thinner at top of the head area and eventually result in partial or complete baldness. The symptoms mainly belong to the mixture of asthenia and sthenia(虛實夾雜)or asthenia in the root and sthenia in the branch(本虛標實)in TCM concept. This paper is to report a case of a 36-year-old man suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia, caused by asthenia in the root and sthenia in the branch. This patient came for TCM outpatient services due to the possible side effect of sexual dysfunction caused by taking western medicine. The patient’s androgenetic alopecia was diagnosed as dermatophytosis(蛀髮癬)according to the TCM theory. It resulted from the accumulation of stagnation of liver-qi(肝鬱氣滯), the dual deficiency of qi and blood(氣血兩虛)and the damp-heat-toxin(濕熱毒邪)vaporized to his head. The treatment was mainly based on Jiawei Xiaoyao Powder(加味逍遙散)to soothe liver and clear heat, Sijunzi Tang(四君子湯)combined with Siwu Tang(四物湯)are to support qi and blood, Qianghuo(羌活)to remove wind-toxin and dampness-toxin. After two months of treatment, the symptom was under a staple control. This paper would present the procedure of TCM treatment in a detailed introduction and discussion. |