中文摘要 |
中國中古時期,法制文明獲得突破性發展。無論是法學理論還是法典編纂,均發生了重大變化,取得了若干重要成果。而「法理」概念的提出則為此時期法制文明發展和進步的中樞環節。為滿足解決秦漢法制困局之需要,在漢魏以降政治、學術環境熏陶之下,「法理」概念應運而生,這是中古法制文明演變中的一件大事。中古法學以「法理」為法律之本,以論理辨難的邏輯方式求貫穿法律之通理,將先秦法哲學的宏大論述與秦漢法律注釋學的徵觀考證連成一體,促成了古代中國法學理論的完整與成熟。這不僅極大地推動了中古律令制度的系統化與完備化,對中古法制文明之演進產生巨大影響,而且對今日之法學研究亦頗具啟示。In China's Zhonggn Period (420 AD to 907 AD), legal construction had a breakthrough develop-ment and groundbreaking change in legal theory and code compilation, achieving several significant fruits. The birth of 'principle of law'concept played a pivotal part in the development and advan of legal system period. To solve the deadlock situation of the legal system in Qin and Han dynasty (221 BC 221 AD),under the context of political and academic atmospere since Han and Wei dynasty, the 'principle of law'concept emerged to be an important event in legal evolution in Zhonggu period. |