中文摘要 |
不同類型的音樂著作權許可模式旨在應對不同音樂產業商業模式的需求。面對網路傳播技術的衝擊,音樂著作權人拒絕為網絡市場改變既有的商業模式,而新加入的網路服務提供者則試圖以技術優勢主導音樂產業,使得現有許可模式無法通過轉型適應網路環境下的音樂傳播與利用。許可模式轉型的正確路徑,應以實現音樂產業內部各主體共贏為目標,在滿足音樂著作權人與網路服務提供者核心商業利益的前提下,排除既得利益者對許可模式改革的阻礙,並有效回應許可效率與傳播效率這兩個差異化的立法追求。As the instituiton for maximizing the value of music works, music copyright license structure should be adapted to different music business models.For maintaining their traditional business model, music copyright owner refuses to make the license stucture adopted to internet business model, but the internet service pro-vider wants to make use of their transmission technological advantage to lead the music industry. Therefore, music copyright license structure cannot be reformed because of the controversy. A new music copyright li-cense structure, which fits the transmission and usage of music on internet. should satisfy the coal interest and different legislative objectives for both industries. |