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Study on the 5th and 6th Grade Children's Learning Strategies in Elementary School
作者 楊招謨陳東陞
The purposes of this study is to understand the children's learning strategies in elementary school, and help teachers to improve the guidance work for children's learning. The samples of this study were sampled form 5th and 6th grade children at an elementary school in Taipei County. The 5th grade children total 91(male46, femal45) and 6th grade children total 100 (male53, femal47). Ravan's Standard Progressive Matrices Test, (SPM) and Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, (LSSI) were administered to all samples. The results of study are as following: 1.The ordering of times in using of learning strategies by the children are: Motivation, Attitude, Examination strategies, Make Extract Strategy, Effort Strategy, Time Management Strategy, Learning Aid Strategy, Information Processing Strategy and Self-Test Strategy. 2.Female children is significant better than male children in using of Effect strategy. And have no significant difference between the male and female children in using of other strategies. 3.The 5th grade children using Information Processing and Self-Test Strategies are significant better than the 6th grade children. And have no significant difference between 5th and 6th grade children in Learning Attitude, Motivation Strategies, Time Management Strategy, Make Extract Strategy and Examination Strategy. 4.Have no significant difference among the high, middle and under achievement groups in Examination Strategy. High-achievement group is significant better than under-achievement group; middle-achievement group is better than underachievement group, and have no significant difference between the high and Middle Groups in Learning Attitude, Motivation Strategies, Time Management Strategy, Effect Strategy, Information Processing Strategy, Make Extract Strategy. 5.There is a significant correlation between Learning Strategy and Achievement Level. The using of Learning Strategies are useful for promoting of the achievement level. According to these results of the study, the researchers suggest the teachers differences of learning characteristics and teaching materials, to emphasize the when conduct the learning guidance to the children, have to according to the differences of learning characteristics and teaching materials, to emphasize the using of learning strategies, and then to develop effective learning strategies.
起訖頁 169-198
關鍵詞 國小高年級學童學習策略
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 199706 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 學前聽障班聽語法第一年實驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 聽覺障礙兒童圖形認知發展之研究




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