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Hearing Impaired Students' Use, Knowledge, and Maintenance of Hearing Aids
作者 陳小娟
The purposes of the study are to investigate hearing impaired students' attitude, use, knowledge, and maintanance of hearing aids. Three questionnaires were sent to 1468 subjects. They were at either elementary or junior high school level in regular or deaf schools. Results showed as the following. (1) Elementary school students owned higher percentage of binaural hearing aids, than the junior high school students. (2) Most of the students, about 80% used behind the ear aids. (3) More than 70% of the aids were dispensed by hearing aid dealers. (4) Around 30% of the students did mot get financial support for their hearing aid purchases. (5) Nimety-one percent of the students in regular schools owned personal ear molds, while only sixty-six percent of the students in deaf schools had personal ear molds. (6) Less than 50% of the hearing impaired students had fresh batteries in their school bags. (7) At least 30% of the students did not like hearing aids. (8) More than 80% of the students in the regular schools were satisfied with the hearing aids, while only 70% of the students in the deaf schools were satisfied with the hearing aids. (9) The percentage of the students who got help from the hearing aids, 70% is higher than that who liked hearing aids. (10) students in regular schools had higher percentage of hearing-aid use than students in deaf schools. Elementary school students had higher percentage of hearing-aid use than the students in deaf schools. (11) students wore hearing aids more in schools than at homes. (12) Elementary school students knew more in schools than at homes. (12) Elementary school students knew more about hearing aids than junior high school students. so did the students in regular schools than their peer in deaf schools. Nevertheless, they all answered incorrectly in more than half of the questions. (13) Students knew little about structures, trouble shootings and natrues of hearing aids. (14) Parents of hearing impaired students at the elementary school level monitored hearing aids more frequently than parents of junior high school students. (15) More than 60% of the parents were satisfied with the hearing aids. (16) Most of the parents encouraged their children to use hearing aids.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 助聽器國中小聽障學生
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 199312 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 增強策略在電腦輔助教學方案中對國小學習障礙兒童加法學習之影響




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