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Assessment in the Effectiveness in a Filmless Hospital - The Experience of PACS Implementation in Hsin Chu General Hospital
作者 李孟儒呂森永陳克陽陳淑君
In recent years, the field of radiology has been virtually transformed through the increased use of picture archive and communications systems (PACS). The demerits of traditional X-ray films include large storage space, man power consuming, and time consuming in film retrieving. We try to solve these problems and improve our productivity and patient satisfaction in Hsin Chu General Hospital by implementation of PACS since three years ago. In this presentation, we will introduce our system frame and compare the effectiveness of different measurement before and after PACS implementation. We find the effectiveness of filmness hospital include: 1. Money saving from films, developer and fixer. 2. Tune saving in the whole examination process and making report. 3. More efficient in teaching and consultation. 4. Less pollution by decease of film and water waste. 5. Improved patient satisfaction. As the above results, PACS of our hospital is cost-effective and may save NT$8,500,000 per year. We suggest to implement PACS and establish a filmless hospital as soon as possible.
起訖頁 35-39
關鍵詞 影像儲傳系統無片化遠距醫療PACSFilmlessTeleradiology
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200506 (3:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 由社會交換理論探討組織公平對員工績效之影響--以中醫診所為例之探索性研究
該期刊-下一篇 影響護理人員運用研究成果於臨床的因素




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