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導入TTQS、PDCA循環與ISO 10015等訓練品質管理概念於公民核心素養課程系統設計之應用
Apply TTQS' PDDRO, PDCA, ISO 10015 to Systematic Design of 'Citizens' Core Competence' Course
作者 邱靖蓉
臺灣訓練品質評核系統(Taiwan TrainQuali System, TTQS)係行政院勞工委員會為提升與推動企業機構與訓練機構等辦理教育訓練之能力與品質,參酌且綜納國際標準組織(the International Organization for Standardization, ISO: 10015)、英國人才投資方案(Investors in People, IIP),與澳洲職業訓練政策,及參考戴明(Deming)所提出之「計畫-執行-查核-行動」循環(簡稱PDCA循環)等,據以提出TTQS作為教育訓練品質評核之工具,其中包括計畫(plan)、設計(design)、執行(do)、查核(review),以及成果(outcome)等步驟之訓練管理迴圈(簡稱PDDRO)。其中,「計畫」著重於對外是否有明確的訓練政策、訓練規劃與訓練目標的連結性等;「設計」著重於與訓練需求相關的職能分析、訓練方案的系統設計;「執行」著重於訓練內容是否有按前述計畫中的訓練政策、訓練規劃與訓練目標,以及設計中的訓練需求與訓練方案落實執行,並且執行過程中亦需針對整體的訓練紀錄予以適當紀錄;「查核」著重於定期的課後檢討,強調課中與課後的改善機制,及建立異常矯正處理的標準作業程序(Standard Operating Procedure, SOP);「成果」則著重於訓練成果評估的多元性與完整性,包括訓練成果的具體佐證資料,及訓練成果評估(反應層次、學習層次、行為層次到結果層次)等。無論是TTQS、專案品質管理中的PDCA循環,或ISO 10015等皆係針對訓練流程與品質進行指標規範,提供了一套系統化思維與設計之架構。故本研究嘗試導入TTQS、PDCA循環、ISO 10015等品質管理概念,將其運用於公民核心素養課程之學期課程規劃與設計中,並以筆者講授之「公共政策概論」與「政治學概論」等博雅核心課程為例,以TTQS之計畫、設計、執行、查核,以及成果等流程與步驟,分別探討與檢視各個環節,並進而提出檢討與建議。本研究認為此參酌且綜納ISO 10015、PDCA循環之TTQS的PDDRO迴圈,為一提供課程規劃、設計、執行、查核至成果等系統性思維與系統化設計,例如經查核或檢查(check)流程,透過教師教學意見調查結果、與通識核心能力指標之關聯度統計結果等教學意見調查機制與統計數據,將有助於審視、檢討改善與異常矯正處理。因此藉此PDDRO之流程與步驟,達成持續改進,以逐步達到課程目標,構築一系統性的課程產出。
In order to improve the ability and quality of education and training, the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) consults and generalizes the ”Taiwan TrainQuali System” (TTQS) as a tool to review and check the quality of education and training from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): 10015, Investors in People (IIP) of England, Vocational Education and Training (VET) of Australia, and ”Plan-Do-Check-Action” (PDCA). The circle or procedure of TTQS is ”Plan-Design-Do-Review-Outcome” (PDDRO). The point of ”Plan” is to make a definite objective for the course, and to link the objectives and planning; the point of ”Design” is the analysis of competency, including technical competences (e.g., knowledge, skill), and core (behavioral) competences (e.g., attitude, traits. motives, self-concept), and systematic design of the course (refer to ADDIE model); the point of ”Do” is to follow the path or process of ”Plan” and ”Design” to implement the program of the course, and to record the process of the course completely, like the contents of group discussion, reports of citizen reporters; the point of ”Review” is through observation, interview, and teacher survey by questionnaires to review and check the process of course, and it emphasizes the improvement mechanism of the quality of education and training and standard operating procedure (SOP) of corrective action procedure, like corrective action review and report; finally, the point of ”Outcome” is to emphasize the diversity and integrity of evaluation of education and training, like supplementary materials and evaluation content, which includes reaction level, learning level, behavior level, and results level. In conclusion, TTQS, PDCA, or ISO 10015 are the systematic standards and frameworks of education and training. This article tries to apply the concepts of quality management, TTQS' PDDRO, PDCA, ISO 10015 and so on to systematic design of ”citizens' core competence” course, and take two courses, ”Introduction to Public Policy” and ”Introduction to Politics” for examples to discuss and view each part of whole process through TTQS' PDDRO, which includes plan, design, do, review, and outcome. The conclusions are that the TTQS' PDDRO, which concepts come from ISO 10015, IIP, VET, and PDCA, is a great tool to review and check the quality of education and training; for example, through review or check (e.g., teacher survey by questionnaires, statistic figures), it can help teachers to review the process, improve the quality of education and training, and implement the procedure of corrective action, and finally to create a systematic design and framework.
起訖頁 83-120
關鍵詞 TTQSTaiwan TrainQuali System (TTQS)PDCAISO 10015內隱職能core competences (behavioral competences)ADDIE模式ADDIE model
刊名 通識教育學刊  
期數 201212 (10期)
出版單位 中原大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 藝術人文在通識教育的規劃--以多元藝術鑑賞課程為探索
該期刊-下一篇 書評:哈佛為何如此特殊?--《理解核心課程:哈佛大學核心課程革新》介紹




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