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(To) The Eternal Reader and Writer: An intertextual analysis on Chun-Ming Huang's three genres of “Fighters, Cheers!”
作者 林克明黃惠禎
In 1973, Chun-Ming Huang went a Rukai young man's home and there he was shocked by a set of pictures of the young man's family members. These pictures showed a tragedy that four males in a Rukai family were compulsorily conscripted into different feuding camps and three of them even lost their lives in wars and conflicts. From 1988 to 2005, Huang wrote this tragedy with the title, “Fighters, Cheers!” in the three genres of essay, play script, and poem, respectively. This paper starts with the discussion of the three genres of “Fighters, Cheers!” especially of the process of transformation and comparison among genres, in order to understand the intertextual structure of Huang's works. This understanding will offer an approach for considering the possibility of being an eternal reader. Furthermore, given that Huang's intention to write “Fighters, Cheers!” was evoked by his reading of the pictures in the Rukai young man's home, this paper will also discuss how the three genres of essay, play script, and poem interpret these pictures. Finally, with the comparison of the contents of the three genres, this paper shows not only how Huang deepened the theme of this tragedy each time a revision was made, but also how the movement launched by the indigenous Taiwanese in the 1980s influenced Huang's revisions.
起訖頁 99-132
關鍵詞 黃春明戰士,乾杯!臺灣文學原住民互文性Chun-Ming HuangFighters, Cheers!Taiwan literatureIndigenous TaiwaneseIntertextuality
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201012 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣皇民化時期官方宣傳的建構與虛實:論真杉靜枝「沙韻之鐘」翻案作品
該期刊-下一篇 報導者的「中介」位置——談五○年代林海音書寫臺灣之發言策略




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