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A Study of the Influence between Chunking Strategy and the Memory Spans of Middle School Students
作者 林士堯楊雅婷
本研究旨在探討意元集組教學策略對國中學生記憶廣度之影響。採用實驗研究法,輔以質性訪談,以期能深入地了解實驗教學的效果和學生對於實驗教學的心理歷程。參與者為高雄某國中三年級學生,採隨機及平衡取樣,實驗組20人,接受意元集組教學策略來記憶長串數字;控制組20人,接受不斷複誦長串數字來記憶數字串。量化資料蒐集以WISC-Ш的記憶廣度測驗,針對實驗前、實驗結束及實驗後兩週等三個時間點來觀察實驗效果,以SAS統計套裝軟體9.2版來分析實驗處理的量化資料,再依量化結果,針對研究者較感興趣的問題輔以質性訪談,所得結論如下: 一、接受意元集組教學法的學生在記憶廣度有顯著的進步。 二、接受意元集組教學法能激發學生的學習動機。 三、不斷地以複誦的方式讓學生複誦無意義的數字,會造成學生的負向情緒。
The purpose of the study is to explore the influence between chunking strategy and the memory spans of middle school students. The study uses the experimental research and qualitative research to analyze the results of the teaching strategy and the students’ mental process. The participants are middle school students in Kaohsiung. The research method is a random and balanced sampling. In the experimental group, there are 20 students who accepted the chunking strategy to memorize the digital strings. The other 20 students are in the control group, repeating the long digital strings to memorize numbers. The quantitative data use the WISC-Ш memory span subtest to collect students’ performance before experiment, in the end of experiment, and after experiment. The research results use the SAS statistical package version 9.2 to analyze the quantitative data. According to the result, the researcher interview students on the interesting questions. Finally, the conclusions are below: 1. Students in the chunking strategy group progress significantly in the memory span. 2. The chunking strategy inspires student’s motivation. 3. The way of repeating meaningless number will cause students the negative emotions.
起訖頁 59-72
關鍵詞 意元集組記憶廣度數字串chunkmemory spandigit strings
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201203 (28期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 多元文化家庭教育課程發展與建構 -教師課程意識的覺醒與轉化取向
該期刊-下一篇 高中教師教學集體效能量表之編製與建構效度研究




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