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A study of attention training to influence elementary learning disability students' attention studying in the class
作者 簡吟文孟瑛如 (Ying-Ru Meng)
本研究旨在探討利用注意力訓練教材,針對三位國小五年級學習障礙學生進行注意力訓練,以瞭解學生在課堂學習時的注意力表現。本研究採單一受試的跨受試多試探實驗設計,實驗期間包含基線期四次觀察、介入期間八次與維持期四次的實驗處理,介入期之訓練時間為10分鐘,觀察時間為20分鐘。本研究以專心注意行為表現、自編注意力測驗表現、多向度注意力測驗表現及班級教師訪談問卷四項結果作為依據,所得的資料以目視分析法及C統計進行分析,所得研究結果如下:一、三位受試者之C統計值達顯著(P1.65),顯示注意力訓練對受試者的專心注意行為具有提升與維持效果;二、三位受試者在凹項分測驗中,有三項測驗之c統計值達顯著(P1.65) 顯示注意力訓練對受試者在注意力測驗的注意力表現具有提升效果;三、由班級教師訪談問卷分析中得知注意力訓練對受試者的自我指導、監控策略與行為具有遷移效果;四、由自編注意力測驗結果分析顯示,注意力訓練對不同性別學生能顯現不同的訓練效果。本研究於文內同時提出研究結論、對現行教育及未來研究建議。
This research is aimed at discussing the use of attention training teaching material, the carries on the attention training in view of three elementary fifth-grade LD students, understands the students' attention performance study in the class. The research method of this study has used multiple baseline across-subjects designs of single su吋ect, and the period of experiment includes four baselines, four maintaining periods and eight interrupting periods composed of ten minutes of training and twenty minutes of observation. Four research results in the research are provided on the basis of wholly absorbed attention behavior performance including eyes-gazing, concentration as well as completion of orders, attention-testing performance, and multiple attention-testing performance. The collected materials are analyzed throughvisual analyze and Tryon's C statistic. The results of this research are as follows: 1.Attention-training maintains and give rise to samples' attention behavior. 2. Attention-training makes samples' attention-testing performance better. 3. Attention-training has generalization effects on samples' self-instruction and strategies for monitoring and behavior. 4. Attention-training has different effects on samples of different genders. This research eventually discusses the research result, providing the conclusion and makes some suggestions to the education and the future research as well.
起訖頁 025-052
關鍵詞 注意力訓練注意力策略專心注意行為學習障礙attention trainingattention strategieson-task behaviorlearning disabilities
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 200906 (20期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 發展遲緩兒童隔代教養家庭親職教育方案之建構
該期刊-下一篇 電腦化漸進提示策略對增進國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題解題成效之研究




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