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The construction of parenting program for grandparents who are raising grandchildren with developmental delays
作者 傅秀媚沈芳榕
The role of family members in providing supports for children with developmental delays recently has this focus widened to include the role of extended family especially the grandparents. The purpose of this study is to investigate the demands and capabilities of grandparents raising young grandchildren with developmental delays and constructing a program to enhance their abilities and adaptation. Participants of this study include 100 families residing in six counties in Taiwan, for grandchildren age birth through 6 years with developmental delays. The Family Needs Scale as well as a questionnaire of grandparent and grandchildren demographic information completed by interviewing the grandparents. The parental education needs for grandparents of children with developmental delay can be divided into four aspects: the teaching methods for grandchildren' the relating welfare resources for grandchildren 'personal health care and interaction within family. The results were served as the foundation to construct the [Parenting program for grandparents raising grandchildren with developmental delays]. The program consists of twenty-five activities、providers and locations for implantation are recommended.
起訖頁 001-024
關鍵詞 發展遲緩兒童親職教育隔代教養children with developmental delaysgrandparents parental educationgrandfamily
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 200906 (20期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 注意力訓練對國小學習障礙學生在課堂學習時注意力影響之探討




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