勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
202212 (30:4期)期所有篇 |
- 高空工作車職災統計與現場危害調查 Occupational Injury Statistics and Hazard Investigation of Mobile Elevating Work
- 臨時構造物第三方稽核制度建立與運作 The Establishment and Implementation of Third-party-audit System for Temporary Structure
- 佩戴耳塞防音防護具時對火災警報聲的可聽度探討 The Establishment and Implementation of Third-party-audit System for Temporary Structure
- 臺灣三維列印場域之微粒及揮發性有機物排放 The Correlation of the Sound Pressure Level and Sound Source with the Recognition of Fire Alarm for the Earplug
- 我國女性勞工乳癌發生率、篩檢率及存活率之探討 Evaluation of the Emission of Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds in 3D Printing Workplaces in Taiwan
- 勞工健康服務護理人員工作特質與留任意願之探討 The Incidence, Screening Proportion and Survival Probability on Breast Cancer Among Female Workers in Taiwan
- 半導體產業就業市場情勢暨標竿企業人力資源管理實務研究 A Study on the Job Characteristics and Intention to Stay for Occupational Health
- 我國數位平臺工作者勞動現況及權益之探討 Study on the Status and Rights of Digital Platform Workers in Taiwan