勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
202203 (30:1期)期所有篇 |
- 我國業界職業安全衛生專業人力現況 Distribution and Current Status of Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Working in Industries and Sectors in Taiwan
- 營造職災因果關係與影響模型之發展 Development of Construction Accident Causation and Influence Model
- 高空工作車安全驗證之探索 The Investigation of Safety Certification for Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs)
- 先進國家關注之職業衛生議題 Occupational Health Concerns in the Developed Countries
- 電銲金屬燻煙對去氧核醣核酸甲基化影響研究 Effects of Metal Fume Exposure on DNA Methylation
- 金屬加工油霧滴採樣分析方法之研究 A Study of Measurement Method for Oil Mist from Metalworking Fluids
- 機車維修技工多環芳香烴之暴露與健康風險評估 Exposure and Health Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Motorcycle Mechanics
- 勞動市場人力趨勢之量化分析──勞保資料觀察 Quantitative analysis of labor market manpower trends-Based on Labor Insurance Data