勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
201809 (26:3期)期所有篇 |
- 應用於石化業關鍵設備之集成式智慧預知維護系統 The Smart Predictive Maintenance System Based on Ensemble Methods for Key Equipment in Petrochemical Industry
- 手機用硬式方型鋰離子電池熱失控特性研究 Study on the Thermal Runaway of Hard Prismatic lithium-ion Batteries Used in Smart Phones
- 我國作業環境監測資訊通報模式規劃之芻議 Evaluation of a Proposal in Data Reporting Profiles for Occupational Exposure Databases in Taiwan
- 以純對苯二甲酸製造程序風險危害分析之研究 Study on Hazards Analysis and Risk Assessment of the PTA Manufacturing Processes
- 運用平臺經濟模式發展生活支援服務之模式探討 A Case Study of Developing Platform to Provide Creation Service for Ageing Society
- 臺灣勞動市場情勢指數之編製研究 The Compilation of Labor Market Condition Index for Taiwan