慢性精神病人主觀身心健康的相關因素探討 Factors Associated with Subjective Health’s Outcome among Patients with Severe Mental Illness
精神分裂病患者生活品質之分析 Analyses of the Quality of Life among Patients with Schizophrenia
比較莫拉克水災與集集地震倖存者創傷後壓力症狀 A Comparison of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Survivors of the Chi-Chi Earthquake and Morakot Flood
情感性精神疾病、精神作用藥物使用與罹患胃食道逆流之關聯性分析 The Association of Mood Disorders, Psychoactive Drugs and Gastroesophageal Refl ux Disease (GERD): A National Populationbased Study