《別讓我走》與生命政治的美麗新世界 The Brave New World of Biopolitics in Never Let Me Go
恥辱與華語語系主體--施叔青《行過洛津》的地方想像與實踐 Shame and the Sinophone Subject:The Idea and Practice of Locality in Shi Shu-ching’s Walking through Lo-chin
經典的百年詮釋--《克萊維王妃》與二十世紀的文學批評 Reinterpretation of the Classical Novel:The Princess of Clèves and Literary Criticism in the 20th Century
後現代巫者的氣味祭儀、薩滿文化復興及其身體實踐--新探三部臺灣當代小說 Postmodern Shaman’s Ritual of Scents and the Bodily Practices of Neo-Shamanism New Perspectives on Three Taiwan Fictions
「旋轉呀旋轉--在不斷向外擴張的漩渦中」《中外文學》四十而不惑?! “Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre”:Chung Wai Literary Quarterly Wavers Not at Its 40th Anniversary?!