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“Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre”:Chung Wai Literary Quarterly Wavers Not at Its 40th Anniversary?!
作者 蘇子中
轉向呀轉向!《中外文學》自1972 年6 月創刊以來,不論是承先啟後,傳承50 與60 年代《文學雜誌》和《現代文學》的厚實人文關懷及創作與學術並重的傳統;或是再創新猷,在80 年代新批評潮流消散退去後,力求轉型,從文學批評轉向批評理論及文化研究等種種新思潮的譯介、媒合與建構;或是開風氣之先,在90 年代始「主編」易名為「總編輯」後,挪出管理運作空間,廣邀學有專精的客座編輯,精心企劃「專輯」或「專號」,因應競相爭鋒出頭或如走馬燈般不斷交替更迭的議題與各家理論;或是更上層樓,自2003 年11 月號起再次改變期刊性質,正式揮別接受文學創作與西洋文學翻譯投稿的綜合雜誌身分與任務,轉型純學術刊物,更理直氣壯地發展文學論評,構築那文學理論與批評的巨塔,讓期刊學術菁英色彩更形濃厚,繼續「前衛高歌」。本論文並無意鋪陳《中外》發展歷程或作歷史性的耙梳,論文重點在剖析《中外》經營策略與方針的轉向及其效應,以及評估《中外》在台灣人文學界所扮演的角色與對推動文學理論與批評浪潮所作的貢獻。
Turning and turning! Ever since its founding in June 1972, Chung Wai has been undergoing a series of transformations. It inherited the spirit of Humanistic concerns as well as the dual emphasis on creative writing and scholarly research from the two contemporary journals, Wenxue Zazhi (Literary Review) and Xiandai Wenxue (Modern Literature), in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Subsequently, its focus was shifted from literary criticism to critical theory and cultural studies as the New Criticism approach became passe in the ‘80s. In the ‘90s, Chung Wai changed the Editor’s title to “Editor in Chief ” and invited guest editors to organize special issues to promote topics reflecting different concerns or speaking for different schools/approaches of critical theories. The journal redefined its mission in November 2003 and decided henceforth to exclude creative writings and translations of Western literature. In this way, it was made over as a pure scholarly journal and took on the task of building a bastion of literary theory and criticism. It now exudes elitism and continues to promote advanced learning and high theory. Instead of tracing the history of Chung Wai, this paper endeavors to analyze the changes in Chung Wai’s management strategy and their consequences. Further, the paper explores the role of Chung Wai in the Arts and Humanities circles in Taiwan and the journal’s contribution in advancing new waves of critical theory and criticism.
起訖頁 157-183
關鍵詞 《中外文學》新批評本土轉向文學論評學術刊物Chung Wai Literary QuarterlyNew Criticismlocal turn
刊名 中外文學  
期數 201206 (41:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 後現代巫者的氣味祭儀、薩滿文化復興及其身體實踐--新探三部臺灣當代小說
該期刊-下一篇 面對「不惑」,鑑往圖來--2012之交的《中外文學》




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