從嘉義基督教醫院人行天橋的歷程回顧,探討醫院如何在建築整體規劃的過程中兼顧機構需求與社會責任 A retrospective review of Chia-Yi Christian Hospital sky walk construction project: how to balance both the needs of hospital and social responsibility at planning phase
醫療工作者工作價值觀對組織承諾關聯性之研究 The relationship between health employees’ work values and organizational commitment
應用創新資訊系統對提升社區健康促進成效之初探 Application of innovative information system to enhance the effectiveness of community health promotion discussed
醫院間平均住院日之比較:Rasch分析法之應用 Assessing the efficiency of DRGs based length of stay in hospital among Taiwanese medical centers