設計學報 Journal of Design |
200006 (5:1期)期所有篇 |
- 應用遺傳演算法於建築設計平面空間配置之研究 Applications of Genetic Algorithms to Architectural Plan Design
- 始政四十週年紀念臺灣博覽會研究:展覽會場與設施 Study of the 40th Anniversary of the Ruling Expo in Taiwan: Pavilion and Facility
- 創造力99解析 Creativity 99 Analysis
- 工業設計診斷之定義與程序——以工業局設計診斷輔導專案執行結果分析為主 The Definition and Process of Industrial Design Diagnosis: Emphasizing on the Analytical Results of Design Diagnosis Projects Promoted by Industrial Development Bureau
- 旅遊地圖上圖示之評估 Evaluation of the Signs on Travel Map
- 高職課程之比較研究——以廣告設計科之設計基礎與造形為中心 The Research and Comparison of Vocational School Course ~ Centering on the Fundamental Course of Styling and Design of Advertisement Design Apartment
- 公共集會型建築設備更新之空間分析與定量模擬設計 Space Analysis and Numerical Simulation in Building Equipment for Existing Auditoria Renewal Design