勞資關係論叢 Journal of Labor Studies |
201712 (19:2期)期所有篇 |
- 國際勞動法之建構及發展 The Establishment and Developments of International Labor Law
- 心理契約違反、組織政治知覺、組織犬儒主義及組織公民行為之關係 The Relationships among Psychological Contract Breach, Organizational Politics Perception, Organizational Cynicism and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- 鐵板一塊——中高齡婦女勞動參與的自我和環境防禦現象 An Iron Plate–Self and Environmental Defense of Labor Participation among Middle-Aged and Older Women
- 導讀——建立美國勞工補償的人權架構:開啟基本原則的辯論 Building a Human Rights Framework for Workers' Compensation in the United States: Opening the Debate on First Principles Introduction