實踐博雅學報 Shih Chien Journal of Liberal Arts |
201707 (26期)期所有篇 |
- 周易困卦古經釋義 An Explication of the Original Canon of “Zhŏu Yì‧Kùn Guà”
- 法治意識與法律通識課程 Consciousness of Rule of Law and Legal General Curriculum
- 莊子「安頓人生逆境」研究——通識課程「莊子導讀」的抉發 A study of ways to cope with adversity in the Zhuangzi — Exploring “Guided Reading on Zhuangzi” as a general education course
- 唐代政治思想史研究評述與展望 Commentary and Prospect on the Studies of Political Thoughts in the Tang Dynasty
- 婚戀與風俗──以〈定婚店〉為中心的教學設計與討論 Marriage, Dating, and Costumes, a Discussion on Curriculum Based on Dinghun Dian