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Marriage, Dating, and Costumes, a Discussion on Curriculum Based on Dinghun Dian
作者 郭妍伶
愛情是學生最感興趣的話題之一,也是國文教學重要的單元。教師通常透過詩詞、小說、散文來引導討論,觸發思考。本文藉由李復言〈定婚店〉探討月下老人形象塑造及民間信仰的流傳與影響,並輔以莎士比亞名作〈仲夏夜之夢〉,比較東西 方愛情觀、掌管愛情的神祇之差異;進而提出具體的課程設計,規劃一系列從課前引導到課後練習的活動與作業,藉此達成跨領域、多元學習之目標。
As an important issue to college students, professors in Chinese Literature design curriculum around love via poetry, novels, and essays to solicit comments and provoke thoughts from students. This paper discusses how the imagery of the old man under the moon was built by Dinghun Dian written by Li Kaifu and later developed and disseminated as a folk religion. In addition, I will compare this short novel with Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare to see the differences on the view points of love and the deities of love in the East and West. Furthermore, I will design a series of curriculum from introduction, the novel itself, homework practice, to related activities to make it into an inter-disciplinary learning experience.
起訖頁 97-115
關鍵詞 定婚店婚戀月老愛情觀教學活動設計Dinghun Dianmarriage and datingthe old man under the moonview point of lovecurriculum and activities design
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201707 (26期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 唐代政治思想史研究評述與展望




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