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Consciousness of Rule of Law and Legal General Curriculum
作者 周宗憲
民主國家所謂的法治,其核心概念並非僅在於強調人民有守法的義務,以及對違法者應課予處罰。更是著重於國家機關應該受到以保障人權為本旨的法律秩序所拘束。而國民的是否具備法治意識,則攸關國家法治文化的是否形成,以及民主憲 政能否健全運作。 大學法律通識課程的教學目的,因而應是在於培養學生以人權與民主為核心、 基礎的法治意識。為達成前述教學目的,課程設計理念上首應將以人權為核心。 憲法基本原則融入課程的設計、講述與討論中,使學生清楚意識到法秩序的存 在價值、體系與功能,能對法律議題有契合憲法保障人權、限制國家權力,以及維 護公共利益的思考。 在教學方法上,應避免偏重於抽象法學理論的講述,宜藉由法律時事討論或法律專題討論,培養學生能以課堂上所學的法律知識應用於客觀判斷生活周遭的法律 事件之基本能力,並藉由師生的互動討論與質疑,培養學生反思與批判論述的能力。
The core concept of rule of law in a democracy country does not merely put emphasize on the duty of individuals to obey laws and give punishment to those who violate the them; it also stresses that government offices should be restricted by law and order which see human rights protection as its purpose. As for the country's culture formation of Rule of Law and the operation of democratic constitutionalism, they are determined by whether the nationals have the consciousness of Rule of Law. The teaching purpose of legal general curriculum in colleges, therefore, should be cultivating students' consciousness of Rule of Law with human rights and democracy as its heart and foundation. In order to achieve this goal, the concept of course design is supposed to bring the basic principle of Constitution into course design, lecture, and discussion, making students clearly understand the value of the existence of laws and orders, its system, and function. Enable them to ponder over legal issues with the ideas corresponding that Constitution ensures human rights, limits government's power, and protects public welfare. When it comes to teaching, one should avoid laying particular stress on narrating abstract legal theory. Cultivating students' basic abilities to objectively judge legal issues in their lives with the application of the legal knowledge they learn from discussing legal current affairs or special topic in the class. By mutual discussions and questioning between students and lecturers, train the students' ability to introspect and expound criticism.
起訖頁 25-38
關鍵詞 人權民主法治意識法律通識課程human rightsdemocracyconsciousness of rule of lawlegal general curriculum
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201707 (26期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 周易困卦古經釋義
該期刊-下一篇 莊子「安頓人生逆境」研究——通識課程「莊子導讀」的抉發




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