實踐博雅學報 Shih Chien Journal of Liberal Arts |
201507 (22期)期所有篇 |
- 康有為是賣國賊嗎?──再論戊戌政變的原因 Was Kang Yu-wei a Traitor? -A Research of the Coup in 1898
- 從文化層面論近世時期雲南的貨幣使用習慣及其變遷 A Discussion of the Currency Habit and it's Vicissitude in Yunnan in Early Modern Period fromCultural Factor
- 南宋嘉定間文章宗尚研究──由比較葉適與蘇軾政論觀察 A study on the popular articles during A.D.1208-1224 —compare Ye Shi's zheng luns with Su shi's zheng luns
- 樂齡大學學員基本知能學習需求與生活品質之探索性研究 An Exploratory Study for Quality of Life and Learning Needs of Basic Competency for the Elderly Learners in A Senior University
- 從琉球藩民墓碑文探索牡丹社事件 Exploring Bodan Tribe Incident through Tombstone Epitaph of 54 Vassal Ryukyuans