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A Discussion of the Currency Habit and it's Vicissitude in Yunnan in Early Modern Period fromCultural Factor
作者 詹恩勝
Yunnan, located in the southwest border area of Mainland China. The natives used cowry shells as a medium of exchange for a long time, but they actually did not use copper coins from the interior of China. Cowry shells were symbol of wealth and beautiful ornaments. Many native people viewed Cowry shells as an important media of divination and offerings. Relatively, copper coins didn't have diverse cultural meaning, so native people didn't accept its value extensively. This caused copper coins could not come into circulation smoothly. During the Ming Dynasty's last stage, the Yunnan area's Chinese localization or inlandization advanced. In addition, city culture became more prosperous, and consumer demand also increased. These transitions resulted in the gradual reduction of shell money being used in the Yunnan region as a medium of exchange. In many cities people monetary transactions had formed the custom of 'the large number with silver, the decimal with the copper coins'.
起訖頁 19-41
關鍵詞 雲南貝幣銅錢內地化YunnanShell moneyCopper coinInlandization
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201507 (22期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 康有為是賣國賊嗎?──再論戊戌政變的原因
該期刊-下一篇 南宋嘉定間文章宗尚研究──由比較葉適與蘇軾政論觀察




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