體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202406 (57:2期)期所有篇 |
- 中高齡者日常高強度間歇性身體活動對於健康影響之敘述性綜論 Vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity and health in middle-aged and older adults: A narrative review
- 變向對著地反跳的下肢肌電圖影響 Change of direction effects on electromyographic activity in leg muscles during drop jump
- 創新之動態轉動慣量球棒對揮擊期間揮棒速度與肌肉活化之影響 Effects of innovative dynamic moment of inertia bat on swing speed and muscle activation during batting
- 不同速度流失之高強度半蹲舉對垂直跳表現的急性影響 Acute effects of heavy half squat with different velocity loss on vertical jump performance
- 不同競賽成績跆拳道選手賽場疲勞及恢復能力比較 Comparison of fatigue and recoverability between different competition results of Taekwondo athletes during competition
- 中學專任運動教練感知工作要求與離業傾向之關係:工作要求──資源模式理論視角 The relationship between perceived task demands and intention to leave the profession among full-time secondary school sport coaches: A perspective of job demands-resources model