體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202403 (57:1期)期所有篇 |
- 後疫情時代冒險觀光業者之多元角色:認同理論的觀點 The multiple roles of adventure tour operators in the post-pandemic era: Perspectives of identity theory
- 擴增實境應用於大學舞蹈課對學生舞蹈學習動機及表現之影響 Effects of implementation augmented reality in university dance courses on students’dance learning motivation and performance
- 外加屈髖彈力帶對高齡者步態之影響 Effects of an additional elastic hip flexor band on gait performance in older adults
- 跑壘情境對大專女子壘球選手跑壘速度之影響 Effects of baserunning situation on the baserunning speed of college female softball players
- 臺灣運動產業生產總額預測與趨勢分析之研究型 Gross domestic product forecasting and trend analysis in the Taiwan sport industry
- 荒野獨處經驗對山野活動課程參與者體驗價值之影響 The impact of wilderness solitude experience on the experiential value of participants in outdoor activities courses
- 迷女的女迷:女性運動迷的認同與經驗形塑 The identity formation of female sports fans and their sports fandom in women’s sports