體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202309 (56:3期)期所有篇 |
- 本體感覺與動作能力間之互惠性 The reciprocal relationship between proprioception and motor function
- 國際運動外交模式與臺灣研究趨勢 International sports diplomacy model and Taiwan academic trends
- 急性阻力運動對心肌灌流與左心室耗能指標變化之影響──規律阻力與混合訓練族群比較 Effects of acute resistance exercise on myocardial perfusion and left ventricular energy waste: Comparisons between habitually resistance-trained only and combined exercise-trained populations
- 歸屬需求量表中文化編製與法則網絡 Validation and nomological network of the Chinese version of the need to belong scale
- 以運動感測器評估羽球單雙打比賽負荷之差異 A comparison of singles and doubles match load in badminton
- 臺灣成年男子舉重運動員挺舉成功與失敗之槓鈴軌跡分析 Kinematic analysis of the barbell trajectory of successful and unsuccessful clean and jerk of Taiwanese adult male weightlifters
- 神經肌肉電刺激對鉛球站立式投擲之立即性運動學表現分析 Immediate effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on kinematics of shot put stand throw
- 運動場館業員工多工時間觀對顧客不文明行為負向影響之緩衝效果 The buffering effect of polychronicity on negative impacts of customer incivility in sports stadiums