體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202009 (53:3期)期所有篇 |
- 日治時期臺灣學校女子體育補遺(1895-1945年) Asupplementary study of Taiwanese women's school physical education in the colonial era (1895-1945)
- 六週戰繩訓練介入對大專男子網球選手肌力與網球發球表現之影響 The effects of a six-week battle rope training intervention on muscle strength and tennis serve performance of male college tennis players
- 不同體位大學生身體質量指數與爆發力之關係 The relationships between BMI and explosive strength for different weightstatus university students
- 以穿戴式裝置探討不同專項位置籃球員與訓練情境之運動負荷 Exploring basketball load in positional difference and training scenario by wearable device
- 急性健身運動與執行功能之前導研究:家庭收入之調節角色 Apreliminary study of acute exercise and executive function: The moderating role of family income
- 運動員認同、自我複雜度與生涯發展──調查及實驗研究 Survey and experimental studies on athletic identity, self-complexity, and career development
- 臺灣中小學體育課中舞蹈教育之現況:以批判論述分析 The currentstate of dance education in physical education inprimary and secondary schools in Taiwan: A critical discourse analysis