體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201906 (52:2期)期所有篇 |
- 行動者與夥伴相互依賴模式之評析及其對體育運動研究的應用 The instruction of dyadic data and actor-partner interdependence model in sport and exercise science
- 肥胖年輕成人累積每日步數策略是否符合當前身體活動指引? Is the strategy of accumulating daily steps still in accordance with current physical activity guidelines when conducted by obese young adults?
- 課後有氧舞蹈介入對青少年女生認知功能與身體自我知覺的影響 Effects of an after-school aerobic dance intervention on cognitive function and physical self-perception in adolescent girls
- 不同層級足球選手邊線投擲之上肢肌肉活化差異 The effect of different level soccer player throw-in on upper extremity muscle activations
- 牽拉對快走時的步態與腓腸肌長度的立即影響 Acute effect of stretch on gait pattern and gastrocnemius muscle length during fast walking
- 阻力訓練對跆拳道減重選手肌肉質量與運動表現之影響 The effects of resistance training on muscle mass and sport performance in weight-loss Taekwondo athletes
- 華人運動團隊差序式領導模式之建構 Differential leadership model for sports teams in a Chinese context
- 冒險教育方案對網路成癮青少年之成效研究 The effects of the adventure education program for adolescents with internet addiction behavior
- 從存在哲學深掘運動的焦慮問題 Exploring the problem of anxiety in sport from the perspective of existential philosophy