體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201009 (43:3期)期所有篇 |
- 體適能成績納入高中職申請入學特別條件加分之調查研究 A study on subsuming physical fitness performance results for admission applications of normal and vocational high schools
- 耐力訓練對骨骼肌肌纖維類型與細胞凋亡關係的影響 Effect of endurance exercise training on the relationship between myosin heavy chain isoforms and apoptosis in skeletal muscle
- 不同性別執行合球切入動作之下肢動力學分析 Gender differences in lower extremity kinetic characteristics during cutting maneuver of Korfball
- 健身運動認定量表心理計量檢定與效度驗證 Exercise identity scale: Examination of psychometric properties and its validity
- 影響大專運動員飲酒行為之因素探究 Factors alcohol use among college student-athletes in Taiwan
- 棒球揮擊時宜與球種判斷準確性之知覺--行動配連 Baseball swing timing and accuracy of the ball type judgement of the perception - action coupling
- 臺北市運動中心顧客參與預測模式分析 A study on prediction model of customer participation at Taipei Sports Centers
- 多媒體輔助教學對大專生八式太極拳學習效果之影響 Investigation of multimedia-assisted instruction on 8-movement Taijiquan's learning effects for the college students
- 以戶外冒險教育為本的登山課程對復原力之影響 Effects of the outdoor-adventure-education-based mountaineering courses on participants' resillience
- 2006年全民運動會舞獅運動裁判判決分析 Analysis the judge's rating of Lion's Dance competition at The 2006 National Games